
双语早读|美国人不再愿意为了工作搬家 原因是……




After two years of grousing that no one wants to work anymore, America's employers might have a new line of complaint: No one wants to move.

再就业服务公司Challenger, Gray & Christmas的数据显示,美国人为工作而搬家的比例在今年1-3月降到了历史新低1.6%,过去几十年来这一比例一直在稳步下降。

After steadily falling for decades, the rate of Americans moving for work fell to a record low of just 1.6% in the first three months of the year, according to Challenger, Gray & Christmas.


"This is the lowest quarterly result that we've seen, among all the job seekers we've worked with, since 1986," said the company's senior vice president, Andrew Challenger.


Challenger is an outplacement firm, meaning it's hired by companies that are conducting mass layoffs to help those workers find new employment. In the 1980s and '90s, a third of the workers surveyed by Challenger said they regularly moved to take a new job, but that figure has been dropping for years.


The trend is evidence of a decline in the dynamism of the US economy, experts say, while also undercutting the historic narrative of Americans as a population of pioneers and risk-takers boldly venturing into new terrain in pursuit of opportunity.


A confluence of factors lead to Americans' declining willingness to relocate for work, according to economists. First, despite businesses' push to bring employees back to the office, remote jobs are still plentiful for white-collar workers — that gives them options if they decide to seek new position.


The pandemic-fueled run up in home prices, coupled with the surge in mortgage rates over the past year, also has made it much more difficult to move as housing costs have shot up much faster than incomes.


Skyrocketing housing prices are a major roadblock to mobility. Nationwide, home prices have soared nearly 25% over the last two years, coupled with mortgage rates that have more than doubled since the start of 2022. The typical monthly mortgage payment for a single-family home now takes up half of a purchaser's monthly disposable income, up from about 30% pre-pandemic, according to research from Pantheon Macroeconomics.


Meanwhile, nearly 1 in 4 existing mortgages today have a rate under 3%, the research firm said. That's contributing to many homeowners feeling "locked in" to their current home, loath to trade it for a new place shackled to a much higher mortgage rate.


"Most existing homeowners are not going to move unless they absolutely have to, due to death, divorce, or an—irresistible—job offer," Pantheon said in a report.

来源:中国日报网英语点津 (编辑 丹妮)





